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Manhattan International Divorce Lawyer

Manhattan International Divorce Attorney

An international divorce is unlike a conventional divorce due to its inherent complexity and the intricate interplay of laws from two different countries that are oftentimes conflicting. Matters such as property division, child support, and child custody, which are already challenging issues in a regular divorce, become even more intricate in an international context. To ensure a smoother and more favorable outcome for their family, couples going through an international divorce can greatly benefit from a highly skilled and seasoned Manhattan divorce attorney, who can guide them through the process with reduced stress and in a more efficient manner.

The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, possesses extensive skills in handling international divorce cases and is fully prepared to handle your unique situation. Seeking assistance from one of our family lawyers can make a significant difference, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free process rather than a confusing and expensive ordeal. Our team of divorce attorneys at the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, is highly skilled and capable of applying the relevant laws in the most appropriate manner to your international divorce case, ultimately working towards achieving the most favorable outcome for your family.

What Constitutes an International Divorce in New York?

A divorce in New York is considered an international divorce if any of the following are true:

Jurisdiction of Your Divorce Case

In any international divorce case, it is important to determine the jurisdiction of the case. If New York is the legitimate jurisdiction, it means that at least one of the parties meets the residency requirements for a New York international divorce case. For instance, jurisdiction requires that at least one of the parties have a legal primary residence established in New York. Another factor that may contribute to jurisdiction is if a substantial amount of marital property or assets are located in New York. In addition, if child custody is involved and that child has connections within the state, jurisdiction may also be determined to be in New York.

The most apparent way to determine if your case would be in the jurisdiction of New York courts is to speak with a divorce attorney in Manhattan who is well-educated and practiced in international divorce laws with extensive experience representing similar cases.

Manhattan International Law FAQs

Q: What Is the Easiest Country to Get Divorced in?

A: There is not a general consensus on one specific country that makes divorce easier than any other country. However, while some countries may have equally easy divorce laws, it doesn’t get much simpler than divorcing in Guam. They offer seven-day divorces, even to non-residents, and only one party has to be present. With prices starting at $1,500 and rising with add-ons, such as a settlement agreement or notary fees, it’s not the cheapest uncontested divorce you will find, but it is easy. To make it even more simple, Guam offers the option to save the agreements regarding traditional divorce issues such as child custody, child support, and property division until you are back in your home state.

Q: What Happens When You Divorce a Non-US Citizen?

A: If a non-permanent resident of the US marries a US citizen, they are not eligible to take the citizenship exam until three years following the date of marriage. Divorce does not affect immigration status, though, as long as their immigration status is finalized. It may, however, make it hard for a non-resident divorcee to get a permanent green card if they only hold a conditional green card at the time of divorce.

Q: Can You Flee the Country to Avoid Divorce?

A: There are laws in place that allow for married individuals to file for divorce against their missing-in-action spouses once the protocol for notification of the other party by the petitioner has been fulfilled. According to New York law, after 30 days, it is believed that the spouse would have learned of the divorce and stepped forward if they had any objection to it taking place. If the other party does not come forward, the divorce is automatically granted, and the petitioner gets everything they ask for, within reason, in the divorce document because there’s no spouse present to disagree.

Q: What Are the Main Issues of International Family Law in New York?

A: International family law encompasses everything traditional family law does, including international prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, international divorce, international child abduction, international child custody, and international relocation. It also covers topics that are not typically a problem in regular divorce cases, such as religious divorces of other traditions and countries and quick-style divorces that other countries grant but are problematic in the US when a divorced individual wishes to remarry.

Q: Can an Immigrant Stay in the US After a Divorce?

A: Divorce can make becoming a permanent resident more difficult for a non-US citizen’s immigration status, and an NYC immigration attorney might be necessary in your divorce case. They may be required to show they were married under the right pretenses and that they intended to live together and engage in a relationship as spouses upon marriage. They also may need to submit proof of shared bills, receipts, or other documented evidence that they were sharing a genuine married life before divorcing.

Hiring a Manhattan International Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering getting an international divorce or have any other international legal issues involving your marriage, it is recommended you speak with a family attorney with experience in dealing with international family law cases. The sooner you call, the sooner you can move on with your life. The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, is qualified to handle international divorce cases no matter how complicated. Our staff is devoted to resolving our clients’ cases in the most favorable manner in hopes of getting an advantageous and fair outcome. Call the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, to discuss your case with a well-versed international family attorney.

Married 25 years, husband files for divorce due to wife’s adultery. We conducted a forensic investigation into the wife’s assets & discovered she used marital funds to secretly purchase property in the Caribbean. The property was incorporated into the settlement agreement in favor of the husband.  

Settlement Awarded to Client
We Set the Bar Others Strive to Reach
The Divorce Law firm of Robert Tsigler, PLLC is Ready to Fight for You!

Getting representation as soon as possible following any Divorce-related charge is the best way to promote a positive result from a subsequent trial. Only an experienced Manhattan International Divorce lawyer can successfully defend your case.

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