Identity Theft
Representing Brooklyn Clients Charged With Identity Theft

Understanding New York’s Identity Theft Laws
New York’s penal code describes identity theft in the third degree as any situation in which one person pretends to be another person to commit fraud. This could include using another person’s Social Security number, credit cards, or other personal information for committing fraud.
In addition, identity theft in the third degree may be committed by causing harm to the victim or for the personal gain of the offender. It is also possible to qualify for a charge of identity theft in the third degree if the offender committed identity theft of one person to cause harm to a third party or commit a crime classified as a Class A misdemeanor or higher. The penalty for identity theft in the third degree includes fines up to $1,000 or double the value of the theft committed, restitution to the victim, and up to one year in prison. - Identity theft in the second degree involves the intentional assumption of another person’s identity for personal gain, to commit a crime at the felony level, or to cause harm to the victim or a third party. To qualify for identity theft in the second degree, the value of the gain for the offender or loss to the victim must be greater than $500. A defendant facing a charge of identity theft in the third degree could have their charge increased to identity theft in the second degree if they have a previous conviction of third-degree identity theft. New York law considers second-degree identity theft a Class E felony, punishable by fines of $5,000 or twice the value of the defendant’s gain from the crime, and the defendant faces up to four years in prison.
- Identity theft in the first degree is the most severe charge for identity theft a defendant may face in New York, and this charge applies when the value or profit of the offense exceeds $2,000. Similar to third-degree and second-degree identity theft, first-degree identity theft can apply when the defendant commits their actions for personal gain, causes harm to the victim or a third party, or commits a Class D felony or higher offense. In addition, second-degree identity theft may escalate to first-degree identity theft if the defendant has a prior conviction for second-degree identity theft. The penalty for first-degree identity theft in New York includes imprisonment for up to seven years, fines of $5,000 or twice the value of the gain or loss caused by the identity theft, and restitution to the victim.

Why Should I Hire a Brooklyn Identity Theft Lawyer?
Every American has the right to legal counsel when they are accused of a crime.
When you work with a private Brooklyn identity theft attorney like the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, you can expect more robust defense counsel. Our team can provide 24/7 responsiveness to your questions and concerns, guide you through every phase of your case with confidence, and help you understand every available option for formulating your defense.
Identity theft often involves complex technical issues, and our team has the experience necessary to help you address these details fluently. In addition, we may consult with expert witnesses to help you establish your defense, and our team knows how to dismantle even the most seemingly airtight cases from Brooklyn prosecutors.
If you are charged with identity theft in Brooklyn, we can help.Contact the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, today and schedule a consultation with our team to find out how we can help you build the strongest possible defense against the identity theft charges you currently face.
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Contact a Lawyer for Help with a Brooklyn Identity Theft Charge
If you’re facing a forgery charge in Brooklyn, it’s time to contact a lawyer. Identity theft is a serious crime that can land you in jail. Contact the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC to get the help you need.
Our dedicated criminal defense lawyers provide high-quality representation for every client and every case. Our goal is to protect your legal rights and provide the best defense solution for your case.
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