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New York Approves New Law Criminalizing Fake COVID Vaccine Cards

New York Approves New Law Criminalizing Fake COVID Vaccine Cards

Over the past year, the COVID vaccine passports have been hotly contested subjects of public debate across the country. While many Americans have taken these shots out of a desire to return to normalcy, others are staunchly opposed. New York currently enforces some of the strictest vaccine mandates in the country, prohibiting anyone who refuses the COVID vaccine from entering private businesses and public buildings throughout the state. These injections are also required for many places of employment.

While many people who refuse the vaccine have shifted their lifestyles to accommodate their lack of a vaccine passport and the accompanying privileges, some people have unfortunately attempted to falsify COVID vaccine cards, using illegally reproduced cards or entering false information on blank cards. New York has now criminalized the use of fake COVID vaccine cards, and the penalties for doing so are severe.

What Happens If I Use a Fake COVID Vaccine Card in New York?

The new law in New York pertaining to fake COVID vaccine cards works in two capacities. At the base level, carrying a fake or falsified COVID vaccine card is punishable by up to one year in prison. If you attempt to use a faked card to obtain an Excelsior Pass in New York, the penalty increases to four years in prison.

It’s possible to face additional penalties for faking COVID vaccine cards in New York as well. Some individuals could face charges including Forgery in the Second Degree, punishable by two years and four months up to seven years in prison. If you use a faked card in any official capacity, you could face First Degree Offering a False Instrument for Filing, which carries a potential sentence of 16 months to four years in prison, even for a first offense.

What to Do If You Are Arrested for a Fake COVID Card

In the event you or a loved one are arrested for using or allegedly using a faked or falsified COVID vaccine card, it is essential that you do not attempt to talk your way out of the situation. Exercise your right to remain silent and contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible after arrest and booking. The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC have years of experience providing comprehensive criminal defense counsel to clients in New York City, and we can offer the defense counsel you need in your case. Contact us today for more information about the legal services we offer.

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