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How Much Do Criminal Defense Lawyers Make in New York?

How Much Do Criminal Defense Lawyers Make in New York?

Legal representation from an experienced private criminal defense attorney in New York City can be very expensive. New York is an extremely busy metropolitan area and home to millions of people. Historically, the city has had problems with all types of crime, that range from theft and other property crimes to violent crimes and armed robberies. Defendants charged with criminal offenses in New York become tangled in a busy and complex criminal justice system.

If you have been arrested for a criminal charge in New York City, it may be worth investing in the services of an experienced private criminal defense attorney. These attorneys can make a tremendous impact on the complex proceedings you have ahead of you. However, it is understandable to be hesitant about the potential cost of your legal representation. Defense counsel can be costly for many people. This can leave people to attempt self-representation.

Ultimately, every criminal defense attorney in New York has a different billing policy for their clients.  Ensure that whichever attorney you’ve chosen to represent you offers a billing policy that you can manage. Some attorneys are willing to adjust their rates based on client needs, but this is never guaranteed. Most attorneys make these decisions on a case-by-case basis.

What to Expect in a Criminal Case

When the police make an arrest for a criminal offense, they must establish probable cause and follow applicable procedures. Once a suspect is placed under arrest, the arresting officer must read them their Miranda rights. The Miranda rights are a formal explanation of the suspect’s right to remain silent and right to legal counsel. It is vital to understand and take full advantage of these rights after an arrest is made.

Whatever the circumstances surrounding your arrest, it is never wise to try and explain your way out of the situation on your own. The police could misconstrue certain phrases you say in their report, which could lead you to unintentionally admit guilt to the officer. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you should try your best to remain silent until you have the opportunity to speak with an attorney. However, be sure to comply with the arresting officer’s directions.

In New York criminal cases, the prosecution must prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. They can often achieve this by leveraging admissible evidence and witness testimony. The defendant may even need to testify. The attorney has the right to present evidence and testimony on the client’s behalf. If the prosecution cannot make a compelling case or the defense presents a solid alibi, the case against the defendant will likely be dismissed.

If a defendant’s guilt is clear, the prosecution may be willing to practice leniency in their sentencing in exchange for conserving court resources. Plea deals are not extended to every defendant. First-time offenders who committed nonviolent crimes and those struggling with substance abuse or mental health disorders can often be offered plea agreements. If the defendant pleads guilty and a trial is avoided, the prosecution may offer to lower their charges and/or reduce their final penalty.

Criminal Defense Lawyers FAQs

Q: Do Attorneys Make Good Money in New York?

A: Criminal defense counsel can be incredibly lucrative in busy metropolitan areas like New York City. The right attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case and provide more individualized counsel. Good defense attorneys can provide their clients with transparent and reasonable billing policies and do their best to handle cases efficiently.

Q: What Qualifications Should a New York Criminal Defense Attorney Have?

A: Experience is a vital consideration when hiring any attorney. Verify that the attorney you’ve selected to represent you as your defense counsel holds substantial professional experience practicing criminal defense law and has experience handling cases like your own. For example, if you face federal charges in New York, you need an attorney capable of defending you in federal court.

Q: How Soon Should I Hire a Defense Attorney After Arrest?

A: Time is a crucial concern for any defendant. Always try your best to work as quickly as possible to secure legal counsel after an arrest in New York. Once you are placed under arrest, do not say anything through the arrest and booking procedures. When the police allow you to make your phone calls, contact a New York criminal defense attorney you can trust with your case.

Q: How Long Does a Criminal Case Take to Resolve in New York?

A: The time required to complete any criminal case hinges on various factors. These range from the availability of evidence and reliability of witness testimony to the scope of the charges and criminal record. You could resolve a criminal case in a matter of weeks or months. But make sure you ask your attorney if they can provide an estimate of your case’s timetable.

Q: Is it Worth Hiring a Private New York Criminal Defense Attorney?

A: If you have the means to hire an experienced private defense attorney in New York, they can significantly improve the outcome of your case. The attorney will have a billing policy that you should go over. This policy should help you gather an idea of how much their counsel will cost you. Ultimately, the right attorney can mean the difference between case dismissal and conviction.

The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC have years of experience helping clients through difficult cases. We understand the hesitation many people feel when it comes to the potential cost of legal representation. While private counsel can be expensive in some situations, our team tries its best to be as flexible as possible with our client’s needs. Contact us today for more information about the legal services we offer and to learn how we can help you.

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