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Common Types of Criminal Cases in Queens (2024)

Common Types of Criminal Cases in Queens (2024)
types of criminal cases in queens

New York City is one of the most densely populated metropolitan areas on the planet and has a notoriously high crime rate. It’s vital for everyone living in the boroughs of NYC to know the greatest risks they face in the area. When it comes to the common types of criminal cases in Queens, police conduct arrests every day, and the criminal court processes thousands of cases each year.

Most Common Types of Criminal Cases in Queens

Any type of criminal offense has the potential to lead to various penalties, including fines, restitution to victims, jail time, mandatory counseling or substance abuse treatment, and more. Some of the most common types of criminal cases in Queens involve:

  • Drug offenses. These are some of the most common crimes in the United States and may include possession, possession with intent to sell, or drug trafficking. The severity of a drug offense will largely depend on the Schedule of the drug and the quantity the defendant had in their possession when they were arrested.
  • -Driving while intoxicated (DWI). It is illegal for anyone to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. NYC police conduct many arrests for DWI each year, and the penalties can include jail time, fines, and driver’s license suspension. Additionally, penalties increase when a driver causes an accident while under the influence and/or if they have a prior record of DWI convictions.
  • -Violent crimes. Assault, assault and battery, and armed robbery are just a few examples of violent crimes prosecuted in Queens. These offenses are mostly charged at the felony level, especially when the defendants are responsible for having caused bodily harm to victims. Murder is the most serious violent crime prosecuted in NYC and can lead to decades or even life in prison.
  • -Fraud. Any type of fraud has the potential to lead to serious penalties, especially when a case involves defrauding any government agency or program. Mail fraud, check fraud, healthcare fraud, unemployment fraud, and many other offenses can lead to heavy fines, restitution, and jail time.
  • -Sex crimes. Sex offenses such as sexual assault, rape, and possession of child pornography are taken very seriously in the NYC criminal justice system, and it is possible for a defendant to face years in prison, mandatory sex offender registration, and various other penalties for conviction of any sex offense in Queens.
  • -Domestic violence. The term “domestic violence” can apply to any type of violence that occurs within a family or household. Penalties for domestic violence conviction may not only lead to fines, jail time, and more, but the defendant is also likely to face consequences in family court, such as loss of custody rights and a restraining order.

These are just a few examples of the most common types of criminal cases in Queens. Remember that if you are charged with any criminal offense, you have the right to remain silent while in police custody, and you should say nothing until you can speak with an attorney. Your defense attorney can help you make sense of your situation and formulate an effective defense against the charges you face.


What Is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and a Felony?

The main difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is the severity of the offense. Misdemeanors are considered to be less serious than felonies and will generally result in less severe penalties than felony prosecution. However, it is important to note that some offenses may be charged as either misdemeanors or felonies based on the specific details of the case, and it is possible for a misdemeanor conviction to lead to severe penalties, including incarceration.

What Is the Most Serious Felony?

The most serious felony is largely considered to be murder or the intentional killing of another person. It is important to avoid conflating the terms “homicide” and “murder” as these terms define different things. Homicide is a broad term that applies to any killing of another person, whereas murder defines the intentional and premeditated killing of another person. The penalties for murder can include many years in prison, heavy fines, and more.

Can I Have My Criminal Record Expunged in New York?

It is possible to have a criminal record expunged in New York under certain conditions, but only certain types of offenses will qualify for expungement. Some conviction records cannot be expunged under any circumstances. If a record is successfully expunged, it will no longer appear on background checks, alleviating the impact of the individual’s criminal record on their ability to secure a job, financial assistance, or housing.

Do I Need a Lawyer if I’ve Been Wrongfully Charged With a Crime?

Yes, you need a lawyer if you’ve been wrongfully charged with a crime. While it is the prosecution’s burden to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, you should not simply sit idle and passively hope for their case to fall apart. You need to consult a defense attorney as quickly as possible who can help you craft an effective defense. Being proactive in establishing an alibi or otherwise proving your innocence is crucial if you have been wrongfully accused of a crime.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

The cost to hire a criminal defense lawyer is likely to depend on the overall complexity of your case. Most criminal defense lawyers charge hourly rates, so the more time they need to spend working on a case, the more the client will pay in legal fees. Always take time to carefully review a potential attorney’s billing policy before signing a contract for their representation so you know what to expect in terms of your legal fees.

If you have been charged with a crime in Queens, it is important to consult a criminal defense lawyer as quickly as possible. The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, has years of proven experience in complex criminal defense that we can leverage for you. If you or a loved one needs defense counsel in Queens, contact our firm today and schedule a consultation with a defense attorney.

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