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Common Types of Criminal Cases in Bergen County (2024)

Common Types of Criminal Cases in Bergen County (2024)
types of criminal cases in bergen county

The Bergan County criminal justice system processes thousands of cases each year pertaining to all types of criminal offenses. If you live and work in the area, it is a good idea to know the most common types of criminal cases in Bergen County to assess your personal risk level, and it is also vital for those charged with crimes to know their rights and what they can expect in various types of criminal cases.

Most Common Types of Criminal Cases in Bergen County

In Bergen County and throughout the state, people break the law in various ways every day. Some offenses are more serious than others and incur greater penalties. In the state, criminal offenses are divided into three main categories based on severity: infractions are the least severe, misdemeanors are more serious, and felonies are the highest-level criminal offenses that carry the harshest penalties.

When it comes to the most common types of criminal cases in Bergen County, there are various types of crimes that can be broken down into multiple specific offenses:

  • -Property crimes include any type of damage to private property or the unlawful taking of property. Shoplifting and theft are common examples of this, and there are special rules pertaining to specific types of theft, such as theft of a motor vehicle or a firearm. Burglary is another type of property crime that involves breaking into private property to commit theft.
  • -Drug crimes involve any type of illegal possession of controlled substances. These offenses involve simple possession, possession with intent to sell, and drug trafficking. Generally, the penalties for these offenses will depend on the type and quantity of substance the defendant had in their possession, whether it was intended for sale or personal use, and whether the defendant has a substance abuse disorder.
  • -Violent crimes involve physical harm or attempting physical harm to another person. Assault is the act of threatening harm against another person, and assault and battery would be the completion of the threat by making physical contact. Aggravated assault involves the use of a weapon, and assault charges could escalate dramatically if the defendant used a firearm.
  • -Driving offenses are commonly cited as infractions, but more serious offenses may qualify as misdemeanors or felonies. Moving violations can lead to tickets, but when a driving offense results in an accident, the defendant can face more serious penalties. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is one of the most common driving offenses in Bergen County and can lead to fines, driver’s license suspension, and jail time.

After an arrest for any criminal offense in Bergen County, you have the right to remain silent, meaning you have no obligation to answer any questions from the police. Do not attempt to explain your side of the story, as this is only likely to work against you. Wait for your opportunity to make your phone calls and reach out to a Bergen County criminal defense lawyer. They can help you formulate an effective defense against your charges.


What Are the Three Most Common Types of Criminal Cases?

The three most common types of criminal cases are property crime, drug offenses, and violent crime. These are broad areas covering many different offenses. For example, property crime can include shoplifting, theft, and burglary. Drug offenses can include illegal possession, possession with intent to sell, or trafficking. Violent crime includes any type of physical harm against another person, from assault to aggravated assault or even murder.

Can I Have a Criminal Record Expunged in Bergen County?

Yes, you can have a criminal record expunged in Bergen County, but only certain offenses qualify for expungement, and there are special criteria you must meet in order to succeed with a petition for expungement. Speak with an experienced Bergen County criminal defense lawyer who can explain the process and assess your eligibility. If you have a record that is eligible for expungement, your attorney can guide you through the necessary court procedure.

Can a Defense Attorney Keep Me Out of Jail?

You have the greatest chance of staying out of jail when you hire a defense attorney to represent you after you have been charged with a crime. While no defense lawyer can ever guarantee a specific result to a client, a good defense lawyer is an invaluable asset in any type of criminal case. They can ensure your rights are protected and that due process is followed, prepare you for each new phase of your case, and help you explore all available avenues of defense.

When Should I Hire a Defense Lawyer in Bergen County?

You should hire a defense lawyer in Bergen County as quickly as possible after an arrest for any criminal offense. The sooner you consult an attorney, the more likely you are to reach a positive outcome to your case. Your attorney can respond to your situation quickly, assess your most viable defenses, and prepare you for the legal proceedings ahead. You should always take full advantage of your right to legal counsel when you are facing criminal charges.

What Does It Cost to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

The cost to hire a criminal defense lawyer depends on the lawyer’s billing policy and the complexity of your case. Most defense lawyers charge an hourly rate, so the more time they must spend working on a case, the more it will cost the client. Always take time to review a potential attorney’s billing policy before signing a contract for their representation so there are no unwelcome surprises when it comes to the cost of their services.

The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, has provided effective criminal defense counsel for the most common types of criminal cases in Bergen County, and we are confident in our ability to defend clients in the toughest cases. If you or a family member is charged with a crime, we can help. Contact us today and schedule a consultation to learn more about how our firm can defend you in a criminal case.

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