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Bergen County
Drug Defense Lawyer

Bergen County Drug Defense Lawyer

Bergen County Drug Defense Attorney

Facing an Arrest? Call the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC.

Facing drug charges in Bergen County, NJ, can be a daunting experience filled with uncertainty. The consequences of a conviction can have a profound impact on multiple areas of your life. However, you must remember that a drug-related charge does not mean that you will be found guilty. If you work with a Bergen County drug defense lawyer from the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, you can rest assured that your case can be managed by an experienced legal professional.

Bergen County Drug Defense Lawyer

Burden of Proof and Legal Defenses

In any criminal proceedings, the burden of proof is always on the prosecution. They must show that you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by proving the following elements: 

Your defense lawyer only has to create reasonable doubt, and this can be done with the right strategy:

Drug Offenses in Bergen County, NJ

Drug offenses include a wide range of criminal charges that are related to controlled substances, such as possession, distribution, manufacturing, or the intent to distribute drugs. These drug charges carry hefty penalties, including prison time and fines. The severity of the penalties typically depends on the drug schedule that the substance belongs to, the quantity of the drug, and prior criminal history. The following are the potential offenses that a person can be charged with for a drug crime in Bergen County:

Mitigating Drug Charges and Penalties

A drug defense lawyer can use a number of strategies to help mitigate drug charge penalties for you after an arrest. Some of these strategies revolve around rehabilitation and prevention. The following options may be available to mitigate charges and penalties:

It’s essential that you consult a lawyer to discuss what mitigating options could potentially work for you.


Q. Do I Need a Drug Defense Lawyer If It’s My First Offense?

A. Even if it’s your first offense, it is highly recommended that you obtain a lawyer for drug-related criminal allegations. Being a first-time offender does not guarantee leniency from the court, and you may not avoid severe consequences, especially for more serious charges. With a lawyer, you have a greater chance of mitigating the charges against you or the penalties following a conviction. It’s not worth it to take a chance with your freedom and future. Hire a drug defense lawyer to protect you.

Q. How Long Is the Drug Court Program in NJ?

A. The drug court program in NJ can be at least a few years long. Each phase of the program, which includes stabilization, positive change, relapse prevention, and commencement, has its own timeframe. The first three phases can typically be completed in the first year of the program, the minimum completion time, but it may take longer in some cases. After the first year, the commencement phase must be completed, leading to a graduation from the drug court program.

Q. Is There a Legal Possession Limit in NJ?

A. Yes, there is a legal possession limit in NJ for some controlled substances, but the limit varies depending on the specific drug. Possession of drugs like marijuana and hashish is legal in small quantities. However, the possession limit for hashish is higher than that of marijuana. Some drugs that are used for medical purposes may be illegal to possess in any amount without a valid prescription. For dangerous drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, possession is illegal, no matter the amount.

Q. What Are Schedule I Drugs in NJ?

A. In New Jersey, Schedule I drugs are substances that are considered very dangerous because they have a high potential to be abused. They also have no medical use that is currently accepted in the state. Schedule I drugs in NJ include heroin, LSD, ecstasy, mescaline, and peyote. There are a large number of other opiates, narcotics, and hallucinogens on the list of Schedule I drugs.

Consult an Attorney at the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC

You shouldn’t face drug charges alone, no matter how minor. Take the first step toward protecting your future and your freedom by consulting a drug defense lawyer from the Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC. Contact our office today to learn how we can fight for you.

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Large amount of cocaine sold to undercover police officer

We Set the Bar Others Strive to Reach
The Drug Criminal Law firm of Robert Tsigler, PLLC is Ready to Fight for You!

Getting representation as soon as possible following any Drug Crime-related charge is the best way to promote a positive result from a subsequent trial. These charges are considered very serious and can result in expensive fines, the loss of driving privileges or professional licenses, and even incarceration. Only an experienced Bergen County Drug Crime lawyer can successfully defend your case.

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