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How Long Does a Divorce Take in the Bronx? 2024

How Long Does a Divorce Take in the Bronx? 2024
how long does divorce take in bronx

If you have decided to end your marriage, or if your spouse has served you with divorce papers, you may wonder, “How long does a divorce take in the Bronx?” The reality is that divorce can be a complex and time-consuming process, sometimes taking several months and sometimes taking more than a year to complete. Having an experienced divorce attorney representing you is one of the most important things you can do to reduce the time your divorce may require to complete.

How Long Does a Divorce Take in the Bronx?

Whether you want to end your marriage or your spouse has served you with divorce papers, it is natural to want to get this difficult process over with as quickly as possible. However, the outcome of your divorce is likely to influence your life in many ways for the foreseeable future. It is crucial that you do not rush through this process so you can avoid a divorce order with untenable terms that will be very difficult to change.

Generally, it is possible to complete a divorce within a few months if you have experienced legal representation on your side. The right attorney can help you gather all of the documentation you must have for this difficult process and guide you through all of your proceedings more efficiently than you could likely manage on your own. If any unexpected complications arise, you will be prepared to address them with confidence, thanks to your attorney’s help.

Contested Versus Uncontested Divorce

The time required to complete a divorce in the Bronx will mostly depend on whether your divorce is contested. In a contested divorce, the couple disagrees on one or more issues they must resolve and will need to go through the court to resolve these issues according to New York law. In an uncontested divorce, the couple agrees on mutually acceptable divorce terms, and under certain conditions, it is possible for them to expedite an uncontested divorce significantly.

Divorce usually requires addressing issues, including property division under the equitable distribution law, custody of the couple’s children, child support, alimony, and more. It is possible for the couple to resolve all of these issues in court, but this can be very time-consuming. Many divorcing couples in New York explore alternative dispute resolution, like collaborative divorce or mediation, to streamline their cases.

While it is not always possible to resolve all of the issues your divorce entails through alternative dispute resolution, taking advantage of this option could enable you to complete the divorce process far more quickly than you may have originally expected. It is also possible to resolve some issues through private alternative dispute resolution before taking the rest of your issues into the courtroom.

An experienced attorney can explain all of the options available to you for resolving your divorce and increasing your chances of reaching your desired outcome. Ultimately, divorce is a complex and stressful process, even if you and your spouse have reached a mutual decision to end your marriage. Having the right attorney advising you will make this process much easier, and you will be more likely to resolve your divorce within a reasonable timeframe.


How Fast Can You Get Divorced in the Bronx?

The speed at which you can complete a divorce in the Bronx mostly depends on whether the divorce is contested. If you and your spouse qualify for an uncontested divorce, it is possible to resolve the process within a few weeks, whereas a contested divorce will require the two of you to resolve property division, child custody, child support, and other issues item by item. This can take several months or longer than a year, depending on the complexity of your case.

When Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney in the Bronx?

You should hire a divorce attorney in the Bronx as soon as you have decided to divorce or as soon as you have been served with divorce papers by your spouse. Preparing for divorce can be time-consuming and challenging, and the more time your attorney has to work on your case, the more likely you will be to reach a positive conclusion. Contact an attorney as quickly as possible so they can immediately begin working on your case.

Does It Matter Who Is First to File for Divorce in the Bronx?

No, it does not matter who is first to file for divorce in the Bronx. While the party who filed the petition will be listed as the plaintiff and the other spouse will be listed as the defendant, the court treats both parties equally in divorce proceedings. It is possible to file for divorce with cause, but being the first spouse to file does not offer any type of legal advantage in your divorce case.

Why Do I Need a Divorce Attorney?

You need a divorce attorney because ending your marriage is likely to be more difficult than you may initially expect, and even if you and your spouse are on agreeable terms, you are unlikely to reach your desired outcome if you do not have legal representation advising you. The right attorney can streamline your divorce proceedings significantly and increase your chances of reaching a positive outcome in an expedient manner.

What Does It Cost to Hire a Divorce Attorney in the Bronx?

The cost to hire a divorce attorney in the Bronx depends on the attorney’s billing policy. Most family lawyers bill their clients by the hour, so the more time they need to spend working on a case, the more the client pays in legal fees. If you only require specific one-time legal assistance, it’s possible that a family lawyer may offer a flat rate for the specific service you require, but a divorce will require the consistent attention of a dedicated legal advocate.

The Law Offices of Robert Tsigler, PLLC, can help you make clearer sense of the divorce laws of New York and assist you with resolving your divorce in the Bronx. If you are worried about how long a divorce takes in the Bronx and want to know what you can do to expedite this difficult case, contact our team today and schedule a consultation. We’ll answer your questions and explain the legal services we provide that may help you resolve your divorce quickly.

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